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tv   Stossel  FOX News  September 30, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> mr. obama takes center stage at the u.n. >> i help that people are going to call me awful things every day and i will always defend their right to do so. how did the media treat his message? and how did the news media react to the words and warnings from other world leaders. cnn reveals details from an
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ambassador's private journal and ignites bitter reaction at a debate over what's fair game. new details surfaced about the deadly terror attack at the consulate at libya, debates what the white house knew and when they knew it and the press passes again. stumbles, fumbles and grumbles, as we placement refs get replaced by the real deal. how did the media force the play? and some of the conservative press gather a the a star-studded gala. >> i never did much understand why cnn thought it would beat fox news at 9 p.m. with a british host who looks like he just got a really bad wedgy at a british prep school. >> on the panel. judy miller, cal thomas, jim pinkerton, contributing editor american conservative magazine and daily beast columnist kirsten power.
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i'm rick fulbaum in for jon scott. fox news watch is on right now. have recent events in the middle east given you any pause for the support of governments who have come to power since the arab spring? >> i've said even at the time it's going to be a rocky path, the question that we could have somehow stopped this of with an of change. i think it was absolutely the right thing to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights. the notion that people have, have to be able to participate in their own governance, but i was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that they're going to be bumps in the road because, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been!
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>> president obama on 60 minutes last sunday, an interview with numerous remarks about the cairo embassy attack and israel and his bump in the road comment ignored by most in the media. if steve cross had a follow-up to that, they never aired it. >> that's right, they never follow up with the president. the fundamental flaw in the media's thinking as exhibited, when the president says well, the organizing principle is islam, mr. president, it's not just islam, it's the extremist wing of islam and name me a country other than indonesia and maybe turkey though we don't know exactly where that's going where this fundamentalist islam has been nonviolent, has promoted equality of women or any other things. this is a fool's errand and the editorials in the newspapers miss this because they don't have a religious perspective. >> judy, the death, the assassination of our ambassador, of two former seals, of the state department
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employee, bumps in the road. where was the criticism over that comment? >> i think what the president was talking about was the broader context of the wave of change, and that in the wave of change, there are going to be bumps on the road. he -- i do not think that he meant to suggest an and most people did not interpret it to mean the death of four american officials as a bump in the road. but that being said. there was so much in that 60 minute interview, for example, his calling bb netanyahu's insistence on a red line, noise. there was so much that should have been, could have been followed up on and wasn't. i'm really surprised. >> jim, when governor romney delivered his initial response after the attack on the consulate in benghazi, he was ganged up on on the media and coordinated questions in the press conference after. yet, after the 60 minutes interview nothing. >> a few words from governor romney he probably wished he could take back a little bit, were a week's worth of news
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the libya statement. the bumps in the road comment went by pretty much unnoticed takes me back to another occasion where u.s. president dealing with a tragedy in the middle east use add sort of awkward metaphor, president reagan in the wake of the beirut bombing when the marines were killed in the barracks and takes time to fix are kitchen-- an awkward statement, not minimizing the deaths of those marines. just like president obama was not minimizing the deaths of the diplomates and terrible news and president reagan was-- but with president obama went right past. big news coming out of this whole thing, muhammad morrissy, our alleged ally in egypt, sort of siding with the bad guys there and that of course doesn't -- that is a bump in the road going forward, tragedy. >> right. >> kirsten, selective outrage on the part of the media.
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>> definitely selective outrage, in this case, zero outrage of so many things that are outrage and the youtube video that the administration elevate today a movie. it's not a movie, it's a video that no one saw, and the islamicist line that there was a movie that somehow they saw. and a du bump in the road makes it sound like it's minor, having 20 different countries, anti-american uprising in addition to having four americans killed is much more than a bump in the road. >> so, then the president comes to new york, he's about to give his speech to the united nations, in years past, presidents had one-on-one meetings with other world leaders, instead, this president decided to go on "the view", take a look. >> and coaching the girls on
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the court or trying to get everybody in congress to get on the same page. >> no contest, the girls, you know, they play like a team, so (applause)-- congress could take some lessons from the vipers, yeah, they pass the ball, they high five each other. >> so, cal, the president chose whoopi over bb, where is the outrage there? >> this is another bequest from president nixon, when he went on "laugh-in", and uttered the words, "sock it to me? and there's an internet frame, the president and mrs. obama light and bubbly and smiling and the others are speaking with em this. but when elizabeth hasselbeck, the one conservative on the
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view starts to ask a question, the president face gets very grim, almost condescending and michelle obama's face is like this. >> you were watching very closely. >> so. >> judy, word on friday that the president did in fact have a conversation late in the week with president obama, the way that the media has covered the apparent problems between the two world leaders, what do you think? >> this is the longest running soap opera in foreign policy, bb versus obama. of course he had to do something to try to make it-- make the damage less, less damaging than it was. he did not have the 13 bilaterals that he had the last time in new york. obama did not have any and the media are saying that's perfectly okay because the man is running for office. that's an explanation, about you to accept that on its face is i think, a bit-- >> world leaders speak their
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minds at the united nations. how did the media react? >> as president of our country, and commander-in-chief of our military, i accept that people are going to call me awful things every day and i will always defend their right to do so. >> president obama takes center stage at the u.n., delivering his view on world issues. did the media buy what he was selling? and how did the media react to other world leaders? and some of the crazy things they said. find out next on news watch. people we rely on in the morning can rely on dulcolax laxative tablets overnight. they give you predictable overnight relief to help get you feeling like yourself again in the morning. dulcolax laxative tablets. keep you moving.
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>> rick: president obama addressing the united nations general assembly tuesday, sending a message. how was that message received by the press? he didn't mention terrorism, tr terrorist attacks and mentioned the youtube video. >> i think it was a forgotable speech and media did him a favor, and forgot it. and charles krauthammer-- and benjamin netanyahu got it, the rocky and bullwinkle, the bombs going off, one of the most memorable of the year. while you were following on twitter while the prime minister was mocked for giving showing this that was
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cartoonist, the outrage over the fact that he would do this was so disproportionate. there was no outrage about what he was actually saying, the idea of iran having a nuclear weapon, was nonoffensive, but that cartoon, seriously. >> rick: judy, you liked the speech. what about the coverage of the speech? >> i thought the new york times played it as the news story of the day. i think for obama, it was a very tough speech. he did talk about the importance of american values and commitment to first amendment which he really hadn't emphasized before so i think that the press in gener general, said most of them chose to forgot it. many covered it at great length. i hope some are listening to the speech for whom it was intended, iran, but i don't think they did. >> rick: you talked about the prime minister. the wire services, the news agencies and reuters and p a
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sending out a picture of the prime minister at the podium giving his speech. why would they choose these two pictures to send out to clients all over the world? cal, what's up? >> oh, this is so offensive. anybody who thinks that the media don't editorialize, even in their pictures, is a fool. the other thing that they don't understand and don't wish to understand is that there is no moral equivalencesy here between iran and israel and the united states. america and israel hold a certain values, pluralism, tolerance, religious pluralism, equal rights for women, all of these things. we are in a cultural war, a clash of civilizations. the media continue to buy into this myth that they bought into during world war ii and in the months and years preceding it, that dictators can be appeased by simply giving something that they lack. and you see that in the editorials and the columns in most of the new york times and
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l.a. times, wrong. >> rick: and the photos of prime minister netanyahu posing as the worst dictator in the history of dictatorships, what were they doing, other than show political bias? >> it was an accident. what's reallily particularly atrocious about this, i'm know the a huge netanyahu fan, abouter say, but the fact that they have so much animus towards him that they don't have to ahmadnejad. if you compared the two, i don't think they should be allowed to send the picture out like that. you don't see them expressing anger or disgust to somebody who discusses wiping off a nation off the map. >> rick: no confusing the part of amimus, the post owned by the same parent company of this new york, on the front
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page the other day. >> and he says this is ahmadnejad, and they were looking and let's look how they discovered the media speeches and charles krauthammer counted six apologies for the muhammad video, and if you're going to arrest the guy who made the muhammad video if this had been on the leaking thing, it would have been different. they're clearly letting obama get away with the first amendment here to sooth relations-- maybe a strategy in terms of keeping the middle east from boiling over, however, they're not making that connection. >> what's wrong with the speech, he was talking about terrorists and radical crazy people as if they care about any of the things he was talking about. he was speaking as if, if you just understood these things, if we could just all sit down and talk, then you would stop doing it. they don't care. >> they do not care. the argument he was making was
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completely and utterly wasted and the speech he should have given should have been a lot more like what netanyahu was giving, a serious, sober speech laying out the threats of the country and the western world is facing. >> on the contrary, i think he put it to our quote, allies, if egypt is still an ally and we seem to be changing our mind about that every minute, but he put it to them, do not try and ask for our assistance or want us to stay and help you if you don't take care of your violence problems. your violence problems, not ours. >> and so effective that president morsi accused us of having a war against! >> and did the one thing he was supposed to do, which was to make sure that american personnel and property was protected in egypt after an hour long conversation that has been covered pretty much by the media. >> rick: if you see something that shows evidence of a media
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bias, e-mail us at news watch. and how the media are using polls to push an agenda. >> the polls have him up, the polls have him down, which polls can you trust. are the media using the polls to focus on romney and ignore the terror attack in libya and the other real issues? the answer is next on news watch. ♪ leaving my homeland ♪ pling a lone hand ♪ my life begins today ♪ ♪ fly by night away from here ♪ ♪ change my life again ♪ ♪ fly by night, goodbye my dear ♪ ♪ my ship isn't coming ♪ and i just can't pretend oww! ♪ [ male announcer ] careful, you're no longer invisible in a midsize sedan. the volkswagen passat. the 2012 motor trend car of the year. that's the power of german engineering. to meet the needs of my growing business.
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>> well, just over five weeks to election day and both candidates are doing all they can to get their message out and the media seem to be helping one candidate more than the other, a new fox news poll asks how do you think national news organizations spend more time defending and attacking. 47% say the news organization
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spends more time defending president obama and attacking governor romney. only 16% think it's the other way around. jim, are the polls and the media all tilted toward the president? >> it could be. i mean, for example, when the durable goods orders falls 13% in one month, the he had had line on "the washington post" next day is business investment pools in, and the analyzed below 100% is a mere cooldown. >> you need a lot of the coverage and sounds like the race is over, we haven't had the first debate yet. >> look, to be fair looking at the polls, i personally don't think it looks great for romney right now. but the race could change five times between now and election day, especially we haven't had the debate. the media is sort of wishful thinking trying to write off romney and i normally do not buy into the media that the media is completely on board on one side, this is the
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exception, this campaign season has been especially egregious in terms of them ignoring things bad about president obama and obsessing over things that are-- that mitt romney has done wrong. >> rick: cal, why? >> why? you have to ask why? >> i have to ask. >> oh, my goodness. well, first of all, these polls, we have talked about this before on the show. i'm opposed to news organizations doing their own polls and making news from them. what are you're going to see ten days, two weeks before the election, the story line, hey, the race is tightening because they want ratings and they want to sell newspapers, but these things are a sophisticated form of fortune telling. i passed on the way to the studio, a psychic, i almost said stop the cab and let me see who is going to win the election, a little less sophisticated, but the same approach. >> rick: judy, the narrative that gets played out in the media, it's almost over, if
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romney doesn't score big in the first debate in denver this coming week that it's definitely over that his donors are going to jump ship. does the media create the narrative and push it or cherry pick for storiesen polls that they like, and then push those? >> i think this is where polls become so important and influential. if you can cite a poll shows the gap between romney and obama growing and obama running away with it, then you can really pile on, and say, wow, this race is over. and look, voting, early voting has begun in more than 20 states, and 25% of the vote is actually determined by the early voters and you can make a case for doing precisely what kirsten warned about, which is pre-judging the outcome of the election. >> the conservatives not happy with the polls out there. a lot talking about them being
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weighted incorrectly. for a news consumer listening to your pearls of wisdom, how should they interpret. >> if you're curious for another take, unskewed, a way to reweight the polls-- the fox news poll has romney down 5 points and suggests romney it down. and one who was not a-- and a pollster for gary hart and so on, he wrote in great part, what the media are doing are newspapers are supposed to be broke, instead spending money on polls in virginia, ohio and florida where obama clearly is clobbering romney in terms of television buys, you're down 8 points in ohio must be losing nationwide. it's not wrong, but it's obviously to suggest that romney is a goner.
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>> rick: kirsten, do you agree we'll hear stories about a tightening of the race because the media want to generate ratings and sell newspapers and magazines or perhaps a guilt on part of the mainstream media maybe we should be covering this a little bit more fairly than we have been? >>pist-- i think that sometimes media polls can be a little cooked. i have a friend, he used to do it for one of the media organizations and used to say, ding, here, it's been cooked, here is what you wanted. but the thing is, nate silver did a good analysis of the polls that show there are biases, but sort of evenly split if you look at the big polls. some are weighted towards republicans and some are weighted towards democrats so the best thing to do is look at real clear politics average and kind of tends to even out. right now says that romney is down by about 4 points which i think probably sounds right to people. one thing the media never do, to do a survey of previous
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polls and how wrong they were. remember, carter was going to clobber reagan in 1980. there are a number of inaccuracies and go back to themust like the fortune tellers, doesn't matter how many times they were wrong. >> and the news media and libya. >> more details surface about the deadly attacks about the u.s. consulate in libya. al-qaeda terrorists behind the murder of our ambassador and what did the white house know and when did they know it and were aren't the media crying foul? that's next on news watch. ♪
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>> here on news watch, we cover the coverage every week, even when that needs covering ourselves. on friday, during studio b with shepard smith we watched a man kill himself after a car chase in arizona. police in phoenix say the suspect stole a car from two
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people at gun point and lead cops on a high speed chase, ended on a dirt road the suspect got out and ran, moments later he shot himself ap fell to the ground. fox news channel inadvertently showed the portion where the man shot himself and anchor shepard smith apologized to viewers at the time followed by a statement by fox news executive vice-president news, mike clemente. we took every precaution to avoid any live incident by putting the helicopter picture on a five second delay, unfortunately this mistake was the result of severe human error and apologize for what viewers ultimate i will saw on the screen. more than two weeks ago, on september 11th our consulate in benghazi, libya was attacked and our ambassador there and three other americans were killed, and the white house response has been, shall we say, questionable. but as the days passed the story is getting a bit more clear, thanks to a journal
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kept by ambassador chris stevens, who was killed. and james rosen know to tell us that piece of the puzzle and the reaction over its use. >> rick, at issue here is a hardbound book containing seven pages of handwritten note made by ambassador stevens. cnn says the correspondent found it on the ground three days after the attacks there. in his notes stevens reportedly expressed concerned of never ending security threats and worried he himself had been placed on an al-qaeda hit list. a spokesman told me that the fbi is investigating. a former u.s. ambassador told fox news's megyn kelly, the contents of the stevens journal may show a failing in the overall approach to the region. >> i'm sure that if he believed that security was a problem, he would have informed the state department's diplomatic security bureau and would have made a threat assessment and
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taken the necessary steps. the fact that he and three other americans by definition shows there's a massive failure of curt. at first cnn cited an individual with stevens' thinking and anderson cooper revealed the existence of the journal. aaccusing cnn of lacking humanity, assurances that the network reportedly gave to the stevens family to return the journal promptly and not report on details. cnn executives dispute that. and enter michael hastings from buzz best known having written a story for rolling stone a few years back that resulted in the rest ignace of general stanley mcchrystal. and wrote, why didn't the state department search the consulate and find ambassador's diary first, whatever valuable intelligence was left behind, could have been found by anybody
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searching the ground. and was classified material, the answer was no he shot back, ask cnn if they took anything else from the crime scene they haven't told anyone about. >> and later on, why do you bother to ask questions, you already decided you know the answers to and give answers that rpt b-s. i now i understand why the official investigation by the department of defense reported by the army times and washington post concluded beyond a doubt that you're an unmitigated blank hole how is that for a nonb-s response, now that we've got that out of our systems have a good day and by a good day i mean blank off. he did not response to the fox news asks for italian diplomates, on sunday, september 23rd. reporting for news watch, james rosen. >> rick: so judy, the diary,
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cnn finding it and using it as a source for its reporting. would any other news organization have done any differently? >> no, i mean, i don't-- i do not begin to understand the white house's and the state department's indignation over the reporting of obvious news, every news organization would have done that. and i understand this, as i was about to say, kirsten, they were trying to change the subject, and they wanted to make it about cnn and not about their, what looks now like incompetence or intelligence failure or a failure to respond to an obvious threat. >> rick: in the meantime, jim, we just heard james reporting on the correspondence between one of hillary clinton-- secretary deputy-- >> assistant deputy secretary of state. what kind of way is that to have an interview with a reporter. >> and dana millbanks says this is what you have now, every secretary of state
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department has had a cadre of loyalists who see themselves as counter punchers and punching hard against the media and everybody else and it's a professional, almost, guild of spin doctors and now we see one what they really sound and act and talk like. everybody in politics knows them and this time it's public domain. >> rick: and very little attention, cal, in the media to this correspondent and in the meantime, when mitt romney goes overseas during the summer and one of his aides has a little heated exchange with a reporter, it's front page news. >> well, once again, we have more evidence, as if more was needed, that the bias of the mainstream media. i agree with judy, this was news, it was legit. the big argument was between the state department and cnn as to whether it was, some agreement was lived up to, but here is the real problem, the administration, the bm administration wanted this diary out of the way as rapidly as possible because chris stevens was concerned, he wrote in his diary, about
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the lack of security and they don't want to be held accountable for that and a report on drudge on friday that links the potential of a budget cut for security at the state department with what happened in benghazi. they don't want their fingerprints on that one. >> rick: kirsten, if the goal was to change the subject as jim suggests, did it work? did they throw the media off the trail? >> the media was never on the trail. there's nobody to throw off. you know, the thing about it is, there's only been a few reporters who have been really on this story, you know, and i think that what's interested, what was in the diary in the journal to be specific, it wasn't just the instance of an attack, he was concerned about al-qaeda and that's something that now eli lake has reported on the daily beast and fox news reported they knew within 24 hours, according to multiple intelligence officials that this was linked to al-qaeda. so that's why there was such a heavy-- this was trying to just crush this story to make sure that
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no other reporter would every go after it. >> rick: fox news has been doing a lot of reporting on that swell and we'll pick up on that part of the story when we come back on news watch. more on the attack in libya and charges of a coverup when we come back. [ male announcer ] introducing a stunning work of technology. introducing the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection. boring. boring. [ jack ] after lauren broke up with me, i went to the citi private pass page and decided to be...not boring. that's how i met marilyn... giada... really good. yes!
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state department is temporarily withdrawing more staff from the embassy in tripoli, libya, citing security reasons hoping to return them early next week, but they will reassess. two weeks and two days after the deadly attack on the u.s. mission in benghazi, libya. even though the administration initially and repeatedly denied that assault was terrorism, it was at the same time working with the assumption that it was just that. . >> rick: special report anchor bret baier thursday night reporting that even though the obama white house claimed the attack on our consulate in benghazi, libya was a spontaneous reaction to a youtube clip insulting to muslims they knew it was a tres attack. kirsten, was there a coverup? why would they send susan rice so many days later on the talk shows to claim it's
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spontaneous. >> that's the question. it does appear a coverup and i have been-- judy has been trying to track down exactly what happened and many reporters asking questions and you're told she was operating under the best information she had and clear she was couching is as the latest information a, but she was specific, that's the problem it was just contrary to common sense and to even compare it to what happened in cairo, to say the movie called it. the same thing, that terroris terrorists-- protesters don't carry rpg's anded media has a lack of curiosity about this and should be holding their feet to the fire. >> there's also another element. the 24/7 news cycle, the desire to get something out into the public arena quickly often brings mistakes like this. and i think of colin powell and the demonstration at the u.n. supposedly wmd's in iraq
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and then he went on all the sunday talk shows. he was talking about what he thought at the time was true. and it may or may not have turned out to be true and the stuff may have gone to syria, we don't know. but this is a function of the news cycle and that's during the campaign. >> that was a statement months in preparation, but from colin powell. this was the opposite, trying to play rope-a-dope with the media. seven days after the headline attack on u.s. consulate determined to be al-qaeda related or something like that. that's a triumph for them in terms of fogging up the issue for two and a half weeks. >> rick: was it political motivation, this is an administration and white house that doesn't want to talk about the war on terror, wants to create the narrative that al-qaeda is weakened to the point of nearly being ineffective and an attack by an al-qaeda backed group on
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our consulate in benghazi is in the face of that. >> that's why you have the mad spinning and unwillingness to back off until the facts won't let you say anything else about the ridiculous notion this was brought about by a protest. first of all, there were two attacks. people must separate them. one may or may not have been related at the consulate to some people protesting. why do we not know the answer to that question and secondly, there was another attack four hours later at the annex, the secret annex. it was because of the media that we know that this was a cia installation, not because congressmanmen, senators and government have been asking the questions. >> as mark twain said, the lie can get halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on. and back to other subjects and campaign and david mere having mitt romney in his interview
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last week, mission accomplished even if the truth a the victim. >> we know one thing for sure, if it had been a republican president it would have been called for an independent counsel, there would have been investigations by congress and the suffix "gate" would have been affixed to libya. >> rick: there's still time for all. and some are talking about benghazi-gate already. and coming up next on news watch, the replacement ref fiasco. >> the goofball is gone, replacements sent packing, the real refs on the job. do the media force them to end the lunacy on the field? we'll tackle that next on news watch. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay ale... but feel alive. the new c class is no exception.
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>> football fans giving nfl
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referees a standing ovation thursday night after the union that represents the refs and the league ironed out a deal to end the lockout and the nfl suffering a huge embarrassment when replacement refs made a bunch of bad calls, especially one that gave a touchdown, wing touchdown to the seattle seahawks seahawks, not the packers. if only the deficit, with the replacement refs or. >> someone where must have stood up for the replacement refs, never saw that paul ryan and barack obama agreed this should happen. >> we have the wisconsin governor scott walker, tough on the unions, coming out in favor of the referee union. >> absolutely. and wonderful field day for cartoonists, marvellous car as soon as, drawings of new signals for referees who have replacement referees who have
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no special memory or let somebody else try it. and great cartoons, but, yeah, no debate here. >> rick: kirsten was this political pandering, all of these politicians right before election day coming out and rallying around, i guess, so of a no-brainer cause? >> it seems no-brainer, i don't ever pretend to know anything about sports or related to sports. i don't want to give analysis. >> oh, let's pick up on that, time magazine called it the pander bowl in terms of obama's remarks, he never answers shouted out questions, but there there's something good out of this. i think we ought to consider replacement journalists, anchors and networks new york times, washington post and get the replacement reporters in there and see if they're better. >> we already have them, they're called bloggers. >> you're seeing the power of social media, this was in some
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way a tweet driven story, scott walker tweet and others tweeted and chose one curriculum to do it. >> and isn't there so much that unites us than divides us. >> kirsten and i were united that we were too worried about libya to worry about this. >> and next time governor walker has to run for election, is his opponent going to be playing or putting up his tweets in favor of the referee union? >> you have to understand about wisconsin the green bay packers are the established religion, nobody messes with them. i heard rush limbaugh say he was disappointed the replacements refs were gone. people were tuning in to see what the next screwup would be. >> and coming up next, a gail la that rec newses--
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>> as we have seen with the success of fox news and talk radio, the liberal media get very upset when their territory is invaded by upstart outsiders, andrew bright bart was an upstart and an outsider. >> and who is that handsome man? our friend cal thomas at the media research center 25th anniversary dishonors awards gala and he was award the william f buckley for excellence to andrew breitbart. and fox news contributor had the honor of awarding one of the dishonors. >> this is a point of person personal, this is barbra streisand award for political stupidity. i have a mild obsession, not
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following around in a gray buick with my garbage bags or anything, but it's not a healthy obsession and one of the reasons why, when the l.a. times picked me up as a columnist, barbra streisand publicly cancelled her subscription to the l.a. times in protest. and in -- in my career, there are very few higher water marks than that. so, look, in all fairness, some people say that conservatives shouldn't be such pains in the ass to hollywood liberals, but the simple fact, it's just the fastest root to their brain. the winner of the 2012 barbra streisand iq award go to baby hugo, sean penn. >> we have what i call the get the n-word out of the white house party, the tea party. at the end of the day, there's a-- you know, just lynch him,
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well, the contenders for the highest dishonor of the worst reporter in the history of man, were katie couric, bryant gum bell, brian williams, and dan rather, drum roll, katie couric chosen by the audience and there she is. you were at the ceremony last night. what did they do, they asked for a round of applause and then tell everybody-- >> like the old shows on tv where the meter goes and the needle goes, it's a fun time to be together. 25 years the media research center. a great organization, do a tremendous job and personally, i love barbara streisand, and people who need people are the luckiest people in the world. >> dave: and serious, remembering andrew breitbart, what a loss. >> a great blogger and jim has been way ahead on the blogging and independent stuff and he's taught me a lot. and i think this is the wave of the future, i really do, a way not only to hold the


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